Full Subject Based Banding (Full SBB)
Purpose of Full SBB
In all Secondary Schools, from 2024 onwards, Express, Normal (Academic) and Normal (Technical) labels will be removed.
With Full SBB, we are moving towards one secondary education, with many subject bands, to better meet our students’ learning needs, without labels. This is part of the broader shift in our education system to recognise the strengths and interests of our children, to help them build their confidence and develop an intrinsic motivation to learn for life in them.
FSBB Implementation
As an FSBB pilot school, we have fully implemented the following aspects:
For lower secondary levels, students in each class will take the following Common Curriculum Subjects together:
1. Art
2. Character & Citizenship Education
3. Design & Technology
4. Food & Consumer Education
5. Music
6. Physical Education
7. Drama (Deyi)
For all other subjects, they will be grouped into classes according to the level in which they are offered i.e. Express, N(A) or N(T).
For more information on how our school would implement Full SBB, you can contact us at [email protected].
Read more about Deyi’s FSBB Journey on MOE Facebook here